Ceramic tile is suitable for every square inch of the living space you design. You know ceramic tile as the classic choice in kitchens and bathrooms for easy cleaning (a little water is often all you need) and the ability to withstand moist and high-heat environments (such as the shower or the cooktop area and backsplash). Ceramic tile is also the cost-effective choice for common areas, decorative walls, and outdoor applications with the strength to take on family life or a group of roommates. Your design will resist stains, damage, and rough and tumble wear for quick new residency.
Add maximum compatibility to your design using ceramic tile. It is ideal for pets and people, offers the best indoor air quality, no volatile organic compounds or toxic chemicals, is hypoallergenic, mold and bacteria resistant, and the safety of all occupants is secure with slip-resistant options. Plus, score (literally) Green building points for you and your client by using inherently natural ceramic tile.
All of this smart functionality doesn’t cut any corners on beauty. Ceramic tile can match your unique design scheme with an assortment of colors, shapes, sizes, textures, and finishes to match any community interests and requirements.