Reality Show Lie #5: Everything You’ll Need is in One Store

On TV, couples make one whirlwind trip to the home improvement store to pick up everything they need — usually after the renovation has started.

The harsh reality is that sourcing materials can take weeks and items frequently need to be ordered from distant suppliers.

Any contractor worth her salt will tell you that you need to start this process well before renovation begins. Ideally, the materials have been gathered and delivered before workers arrive so the process isn’t delayed by waiting for lumber or fixtures to arrive.

What’s more, making your selections in a single trip is ill advised. You have to live with your cabinets, carpet, and paint colors for long time. Rushing this phase only leads to regrets.

Reality Show Lie #6: You Can Wing it

The hasty home renovation process shown on TV would be an absolute disaster in real life.

While reality TV hosts seem to swoop in, immediately grasp the homeowners’ vision, and start knocking out walls in the same breath, this is pure fantasy. Winging it is a surefire way to ruin your budget and run into frustrating complications and delays. This is repeatedly proven in real-world renovation projects when people — both DIY and professional — attempt to make it up as they go.

Winging it forces you into last minute decisions and often leads to a haphazard finished design.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Solid planning and preparation is a homeowner’s best insurance when embarking on a renovation.

Sources from Purcell Quality